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Extract the stressor response data from each sheet in the Excel workbook.


StressorResponseWorkbook(filename = NA)



A string. Relative file name to the stressor response Excel workbook.


A list object of the main_sheet, stressor_names and stressor response data frames (sr_dat).


For more information about data format requirements, see the Data Upload and Results Export tab of the associated Shiny App.

Uses readxl::read_excel() to load in workbook sheets:

  • Main sheet: meta data / cover sheet indicating:

    • stressor names

    • categories

    • interactions and linkages

    • scales

    • approximation function type

    • target life stages

    • contribution to survival or capacity parameters

    • stressor units

    • target model (CE or population models, or both)

  • all additional stressor-response sheets in workbook

    • context specific stressor-response curve data

    • sheet name must match stressor names in Main sheet, otherwise "Bad worksheet names" error message.

    • sheets must contain columns for <stressor_name>, Mean System Capacity (%), SD, low.limit, and up.limit