Joe Model Run
Runs the Joe Model.
dose = NA,
sr_wb_dat = NA,
MC_sims = 100,
stressors = NA,
adult_sys_cap = TRUE
- dose
dataframe. Stressor magnitude file exported from StressorMagnitudeWorkbook().
- sr_wb_dat
list object. Stressor response workbook returned from StressorResponseWorkbook().
- MC_sims
numeric. set number of Monte Carlo simulations for the Joe Model.
- stressors
(optional) character vector of stressor names to include in the Joe Model. Leave the default value as NA if you wish to include all stressors applicable to the adult life stage or provide a character vector of stressors if you only want to run the model on a subset of the stressors.
- adult_sys_cap
Should the Joe Model be run only with variables identified for adult system capacity.
set number of Monte Carlo simulations for the Joe model.
Runs the Joe Model for cumulative system capacity across stressors and watersheds. Note that only stressors with the applicable to the 'adult' Life_stages from the 'main_sheet' of the Stressor Response workbook are included in the Joe Model
if (FALSE) {
# Load in the sample data from the reference Excel workbook
filename_rm <- system.file("extdata", "stressor_magnitude_unc_ARTR.xlsx", package = "JoeModelCE")
filename_sr <- system.file("extdata", "stressor_response_fixed_ARTR.xlsx", package = "JoeModelCE")
# Stessor Magnitue and Doese Response Workbooks
dose <- StressorMagnitudeWorkbook(filename = filename_rm)
sr_wb_dat <- StressorResponseWorkbook(filename = filename_sr)
# Run the Joe Model
jmr <- JoeModel_Run(dose = dose,
sr_wb_dat = sr_wb_dat,
MC_sims = 100)
# The Joe model holds cumulative effects data frame
# and sc.dose.df for individual stressors
# Evaluate the cumulative system capacity