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Run the population model in batch mode. The population model in run separately for each spatial unit and each scenario. This helper function providers a wrapper to quickly explore alternative scenarios. Users may change the population vital rates, environmental parameters (stressors) or stressor-response curves between each batch model run.

Load Input Data

In this example we will load the stressor-response, stressor magnitude file and life cycles file. The polygon geometry is not needed to run the population model. Reset filename_ to point to a local file on your computer.


    # Load the stress-response workbook
    filename_sr <- system.file("extdata", "stressor_response_fixed_ARTR.xlsx", package = "JoeModelCE")
    sr_wb_dat <- StressorResponseWorkbook(filename = filename_sr)

    # Load the stress-magnitude workbook
    filename_rm <- system.file("extdata", "stressor_magnitude_unc_ARTR.xlsx", package = "JoeModelCE")
    dose <- StressorMagnitudeWorkbook(filename = filename_rm, scenario_worksheet = "natural_unc")

    # Load the life cycle parameters
    filename_lc <- system.file("extdata", "life_cycles.csv", package = "JoeModelCE")
    life_cycle_params <- read.csv(filename_lc)

Choose a Target Spatial Unit

The PopulationModel_Run run function runs the population model for spatial units (e.g., watershed) individually. If users wish to run the population model for all watersheds, they can simply wrap PopulationModel_Run in a loop or apply function. Running watersheds individually is advantageous because often certain parameters need to be tweaked between the various watershed subunits.

# Choose target ID
# In this example just use the first watershed
HUC_ID <- dose$HUC_ID[1]

Run the Population Model

Next, we can run the population model for a number of years n_years and batch replicates MC_sims. dose is the stressor-magnitude data object, sr_wb_dat is the stressor response workbook data object, life_cycle_params is the life cycle parameters file for the target species. stressors is an optional argument to specify whether the model should be run with only a subset of the stressors (e.g., ‘temperature’, ‘sediment’, if left as NA the model will run with all stressors in the stressor magnitude file).

The output data object from PopulationModel_Run will consist of either a list or dataframe object. If the output_type argument is set to “full” then a list object will be returned containing the abundance time series matrices for each batch replicate and each list stage with and without stressor variables. However, the “full” output data object can be cumbersome to work with. For convenience, the output_type argument can be set to “adults” to return a simple dataframe object showing the abundance of adults across years and batch replicates.

The model is always run with and without cumulative effect stressors - since comparisons should always be made relative to a baseline or status quo. The group variable in the output dataframe specifies whether the model run includes stressor cumulative effect variables “ce” or baseline reference conditions “baseline”.

    data <- PopulationModel_Run(
        dose = dose,
        sr_wb_dat = sr_wb_dat,
        life_cycle_params = life_cycle_params,
        HUC_ID = HUC_ID,
        n_years = 150,
        MC_sims = 5,
        stressors = NA,
        output_type = "adults"
#> At least one NA in stressor values array

    # Review output
    head(data, 3)
#>   year        N MC_sim group
#> 1    0 58.04208      1    ce
#> 2    1 65.81334      1    ce
#> 3    2 74.34585      1    ce

    # Look the median adult abundance
    # with stressor variables (cumulative effects)
    median(data$N[which(data$group == "ce")], na.rm = TRUE)
#> [1] 94.44712
    # and without stressor variables (baseline status quo)
    median(data$N[which(data$group == "baseline")], na.rm = TRUE)
#> [1] 99.35683

Visualize the Time Series Projections

Simple plots can be included to visualize trends


    ggplot(data, aes(x = year, y = N, color = group)) +
        stat_smooth(method="loess", span=0.1, se=TRUE, aes(fill = group), alpha=0.3) +
        theme_bw() +
            legend.position = "bottom",
            legend.title = element_blank(),
            legend.text = element_text(size = 8),
            legend.key = element_blank(),
            axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, size = 8),
            axis.text.y = element_text(size = 8),
            #axis.title.x = element_blank(),
            #axis.title.y = element_blank(),
            strip.text = element_text(size = 8))
#> `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'